Grant Deadlines

Bay Area Performing Arts Grant Deadlines
January – June 2025

SFIAF works with multiple artists to raise funds for individual projects that take place as part of the Festival and our other programs. This page contains a sample list of funding deadlines for the coming months, from January to July 2025.

If a grant deadline is marked ** (and has no URL link) this denotes that the next deadline is still to be announced, but this was the deadline for the last cycle, so we cautiously expect it to be somewhat similar this year.

This list will evolve over the coming months as foundations announce new deadlines. If there is a deadline that you are aware of that we are missing, please let us know. We are not infallible, if you notice an error in a deadline, please let us know that as well so we can make a fix.

If you wish to receive notices when this list is updated, please send an email to [email protected] with the subject title Add to Grant Deadlines Notice. Please also state whether you are an artist or an administrator and your affiliation.

January 14                    Zellerbach Family Foundation

January 15                    Fleishhacker Foundation - Small Arts Grants

January 15                    California Council on Humanities: Humanities for All

January 31                    Albertine Foundation - French / US Exchange in Dance

January 31                    Albertine Foundation - Theatre & New Forms

February 1                    Venable Foundation

February 13                  National Endowment for the Arts - Arts Projects (part one)

February 14                  California Council on Humanities -- Humanities for All

February 14                  American - Scandinavian Foundation

February 26                  National Endowment for the Arts - Arts Projects (part two)

February 26                  Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation: USArtists International

February 27                  Chamber Music America - New Jazz Works (members only)

February 28                  National Dance Project –Production LOI (NEFA)

February 28                  National Dance Project Touring Grants

March 1                        Svane Family Foundation - Culture Forward

March 2                        Albertine Foundation - Jazz & New Music

March 24                      Kenneth Rainin Foundation - New Works Program

March 24                      National Endowment for the Arts Research Grants Part 1

March 26                      Cash Grants – Dance**

April 3                          National Endowment for the Arts Research Grants Part 2

April 14                        Zellerbach Family Foundation

April 24                        National Endowment for the Arts – Challenge America. PART ONE  

May 1                          Rella Lossy Award - Theatre Bay Area   

May 1                           Trust for Mutual Understanding - Initial Enquiry

May 13                         National Endowment for the Arts – Challenge America. PART TWO

May 31                         WESTAF – Tourwest

June 1                          Stanley S Langendorf Foundation LOI

June 1                          Venable Foundation

June 1                         Svane Family Foundation - Culture Forward

June 6                          Gerbode Foundation – Special Awards in the Arts (Theatre)**

June 6                          California Arts Council: Arts & Cultural Organizations General Operating Support**       

June 6                          California Arts Council: Arts Education Exposure**

June 6                          California Arts Council: Arts Integration Training**

June 6                          California Arts Council: Creative Youth Development**

June 6                          California Arts Council: Impact Projects**

June 7                          Grant for the Arts**

June 27                        Aaron Copland Fund for Music – Performance Program**

July 1                           Stanley S Langendorf Foundation Full Proposal

July 3                           Alliance for California Traditional Arts - Living Cultures Grant**

July 10                         National Endowment for the Arts - Grants for Arts Projects (part one)                   

July 15                         Fleishhacker Foundation

July 15                         National Endowment for the Arts - Grants for Arts Projects (part two)

July 21                         Zellerbach Family Foundation

July 22                         Phyllis Wattis Foundation - New Works**

July 31                         Alliance for California Traditional Arts: Living Cultures Grant**

Aug 26                         Center for Cultural Innovation: Investing in Artists**

Nathan Cummings Foundation, Walter & Elise Haas Fund, Andrew Mellon Foundation

Fiscal Sponsorship. If you are an independent artist or ensemble interested in applying for grants, but lacking 501(c)(3) status or without a fiscal sponsor, call our office at 415-399-9554 or send an email to [email protected] to enquire about fiscal sponsorship.

San Francisco International Arts Festival
Phone Number: 415-399-9554 | Email: [email protected]
1471 Guerrero Street, #3 San Francisco, CA 94110



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