Anneli Kanninen




Date(s) & Time(s):Sat May 10, 2:30pm, Sun May 11, 6:00pm
Duration: 30 mins
Shared bill with: Algiin total duration 70 mins
Venue: The Marsh Studio
1062 Valencia St, SF, CA 94110

Ticket Information

Early Bird: $20, Advance: $25, Door: $28
For the best deals, see multiple shows with a discount Festival Pass.

Artist Information

Written & Performed by: Anneli Kanninen

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Production Details

HOMEing is a personal exploration of what it means to grow roots in a new place. Arriving in a new country, culture and a language, how does one start building home, while remembering what has been left behind? Through the lenses of different languages and contemporary dance, this work-in-progress performance researches the sensory and cultural experiences of home, connection, and how generations respond to uprooting.

“With this performance, I want to honor all the mothers who didn’t have the chance to get a sufficient education and worked their entire lives to put their children through school so that they could get more opportunities in life.”

In Finnish
HOMEing on tutkimus kodista ja kuulumisen tunteesta eri kielten ja nykytanssin kautta esitettynä. Miten rakentaa uusi koti ja mitä jää taakse, kun muuttaa uuteen maahan ja kulttuuriin?

”Tämän teoksen kautta haluan kunnioittaa kaikkia niitä äitejä, jotka eivät saaneet tilaisuutta riittävään koulutukseen, ja työskentelivät koko elämänsä, jotta seuraava sukupolvi saisi enemmän tilaisuuksia elämässä.”

In Estonian
HOMEing on kodu ja kuuluvustunde uurimise lavastus läbi erinevate keelte ja moderntantsu prisma. Kuidas alustada uue kodu rajamist saabudes teise riiki, keele ja kultuurilise keskoonda?

"Selle lavastusega tahan austada kõiki emasid, kellel ei olnud võimalust omandada piisavat haridust ja kes töötasid terve elu selle nimel, et oma lapsed koolis käiksid, et järgmine põlvkond saaks elus rohkem võimalusi."

Artist Biographies

Anneli Kanninen
Anneli is a multidisciplinary artist working in the intersections of dance, theater and languages with a focus on themes of home and belonging. Anneli’s career was formed in the underground street and house dance culture, mainly in voguing and the ballroom community, with mentors like Archie Burnett, Benny Ninja and Javier Ninja. Over the past 15 years, Anneli has performed in Scandinavia and Europe working with artists and performers in music, fashion and TV industries, teaching master classes and collaborating with award-winning choreographers and arts institutions. She’s worked with choreographer Trajal Harrel (US) at ImPulsTanz in Vienna, voguing icon Jose Xtravaganza (US) in London and artist Brian Lobel (US/UK) for Zodiak – Centre for New Dance in Helsinki. Anneli’s work has been supported by the Ministry of Culture and Education in Finland, and an expert organization Circus & Dance Info Finland. Anneli was born in Estonia, lived and worked in Finland, and is now based in the Bay Area. They are looking forward to connecting with the rich and vibrant Bay Area artist community.













San Francisco International Arts Festival
Phone Number: 415-399-9554 | Email: [email protected]
1471 Guerrero Street, #3 San Francisco, CA 94110



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