Eryen Korath y Neblinas del Pacífico

(Colombia / USA)

Mangroves and Marimba

(2025, World Premiere)

Date(s) & Time(s): Sat May 10, 8:30pm
Duration: 90 mins (No Intermission)
Venue: Community Music Center
: 544 Capp St. SF, CA 94110

Ticket Information

Early Bird: $20, Advance: $25, Door: $28
For the best deals, see multiple shows with a discount Festival Pass.

Artist Information

Marimba, Vocals, Bombos, Cununos, Guasás:
Eryen Korath, Federico Ardila, Pipe Arrechea, May-Li Khoe, Juliana Mejía, Erika Padilla-Morales, Stephanie Reist, Andrés Reyes

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Production Details

Mangroves and Marimba
An evening of Afro-Colombian Music with Eryen Korath and Neblinas del Pacifico
Eryen Korath Ortiz Garcés (Buenaventura, Colombia) and Neblinas del Pacífico (La Mission, San Francisco) present a sound fabric of marimba de chonta music from the Afro-Colombian Pacific: music of rivers and mangroves, of polyrhythms and harmonies, of spirituality and everyday life, of ancestors and tradition, of celebration and resistance. Together, they present a musical journey of rivers and mangroves, spirituality and everyday life, rooted in celebration and resistance. Featuring instruments like marimba de chonta, bombos, cununos, and guasás, their performance is a vibrant celebration of Colombia's Pacific Coast heritage.

Manglares y Marimba
una velada de música afrocolombiana con Eryen Korath y Neblinas del Pacifico
Eryen Korath Ortiz Garcés (Buenaventura, Colombia) y Neblinas del Pacífico (La Mission, San Francisco) presentan un tejido sonoro de música de marimba de chonta del Pacífico Afro-Colombiano: música de ríos y manglares, de poliritmos y armonías, de espiritualidad y cotidianidad, de ancestrxs y tradición, de celebración y resistencia. Juntos, presentan un viaje musical de ríos y manglares, espiritualidad y vida cotidiana, arraigado en la celebración y la resistencia. Con instrumentos como marimba de chonta, bombos, cununos y guasás, su actuación es una celebración vibrante de la herencia de la costa pacífica de Colombia.

Artist Biographies

Eryen Korath Ortiz Garces
The Queen of the Marimba de Chonta, ERYEN KORATH ORTIZ GARCES, is a native of Buenaventura, the main port city of the predominantly Afro-Colombian Pacific Coast. She has earned international recognition as a marimba de chonta performer and interpreter of numerous folk styles from Colombia’s Pacific Coast. She is a tireless student and promoter of the tradition of her ancestors, having performed their music in the US, Ghana, Senegal, Netherlands, Panamá, Ecuador, and all over Colombia. Currently, Eryen serves as musical director and lead performer in the group Cantares del Pacífico (@cantaresdelpacifico), nominated for a Latin Grammy in 2024. She is also a lawyer, and a member of Jóvenes Unidos por Buenaventura, a social advocacy platform empowering young leaders . Eryen is the marimba player in Petrona Martinez's album "Ancestras" which won a Latin Grammy in 2022. She has won numerous honors and awards, including the National Sonar Contest of Marimba and Cali’s Queen of the Marimba Festival.

Neblinas del Pacifico
Neblinas del Pacifico is a band of marimba de chonta music practitioners based in the Mission District of San Francisco. This musical tradition is born and rooted among the Black and Indigenous communities nestled along the rivers and mangroves on the Pacific Coast of Colombia and Ecuador. It’s music of spirituality and everyday life, roots and tradition, celebration and resistance. The members of Neblinas have ancestry in Colombia, Puerto Rico, Indonesia and beyond. They partner with numerous other Afro-Colombian musicians and organizers to support grassroots community initiatives in Buenaventura, Guapi, Timbiquí, Tumaco, and Quibdó. Neblinas del Pacífico play and share this music in the spirit of respect and solidarity with the maestrxs and communities who are its originators and keepers.

Photo credit: Alexa “LexMex” Trevino

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San Francisco International Arts Festival
Phone Number: 415-399-9554 | Email: [email protected]
1471 Guerrero Street, #3 San Francisco, CA 94110



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