Shaping San Francisco


What’s That Smell? A Walking Tour of the Northeast Mission Industrial Zone

Date(s) & Time(s): Sat May 10, 11:00am
Duration: 1 hour 45 minutes 
Venue: Meet At Theatre of Yugen's NOH Space
Location: 2840 Mariposa St, SF, CA, 94110

Ticket Information

Early Bird: $20, Advance: $25, Door: $28
For the best deals, see multiple shows with a discount Festival Pass.

Artist Information

Tour Led by: Chris Carlsson

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Production Details

What’s That Smell? A Walking Tour of the Northeast Mission Industrial Zone

Chris Carlsson, long-time grassroots historian and guide to San Francisco's lost, forgotten and overlooked histories, takes participants on a walk around the old industrial sites of the North Mission. Pungent odors such as ammonia, baking bread, and roasting hops, once common, are now only memories

Shaping San Francisco
Shaping San Francisco, enjoying its 27th year in 2025, is a participatory community history project documenting and archiving overlooked stories and memories of San Francisco. The group does this in a variety of ways. They have a vast digital archive at where they invite everyone to contribute to our shared history. They held Public Talks regularly at 518 Valencia; during the pandemic came up with a new preferred activity: the Urban Forum: Walk 'n' Talk, where they explore little visited hilltops, neighborhoods, stairways, and more all over the city. They co-host history programming with other organizations around the Bay Area. They conduct walking and bicycle history tours at least a half dozen times each season, and have two seasons of Talks and Tours each year. And they often partner with local university classes, helping students to produce new historical research that we incorporate into our online archive.

The project's roots lie in the "new social history" which emerged in the Annales School in the 1930s and was further developed in the 1960s as a way to go beyond the traditional history of "great men" which many of us were spoon-fed in public school.  The project has produced three anthologies (published by City Lights Books) offering grassroots perspectives on social movements, significant events, and decisions that have led to the San Francisco that we see and experience today. The most recent book, Hidden San Francisco, was published by Pluto Press in February 2020. The Project also gathers oral histories from ordinary San Franciscans whose memories help us understand the complex fabric of life at various times in history. 

For Shaping San Francisco, history is a participatory, creative act, a shared project of shaping our sense of life. Shaping San Francisco seeks to bring out the historian in everyone.  Naturally, each individual will have an unique take on and different experience of events of which they are a part.  Thus we welcome diverse contributions from the public, with their multiple perspectives, to the canon of history.  The Project's online archive,, uses a wiki-based platform, and is open to additions, enhancements, corrections, and edits.  Collectively we are smarter than we are acting as individuals, and Shaping San Francisco hopes that any gaps, omissions, and errors will be pointed out and changed by the community. 








San Francisco International Arts Festival
Phone Number: 415-399-9554 | Email: [email protected]
1471 Guerrero Street, #3 San Francisco, CA 94110



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