ABADÁ-Capoeira San Francisco

(USA & Brazil)

Spirit of Brazil 2019 (World Premiere)

Date and Time: Friday May 31, 7:00pm; Sunday June 2, 2:00pm
Duration: 60 minutes, no intermission
Location: Gallery 308

Ticket Information

General Admission: $25
Reserved Table Seating: $30, 35 
At the Door: $28 - $38 

Festival Pass

If you miss our early bird offerings, take advantage of our Festival Pass and see five shows for $75.00



Artist Info

Production Credits:
Artistic Director & Lead Performer:Mestra Márcia “Cigarra” (Márcia Treidler)
Co-Producer / Lead Company Performer: Jennifer Walsh
Lead Guest Artist (Brazil): “Mestrando Mobília” Anderson Freire
Lead Company Artist & Youth Performance Director: Antonio Contreras

Artist Website:

Work Sample:

Spirit of Brazil ’19 presents the artistic elements of Capoeira through a fusion of contemporary and traditional music, dance, and martial arts from Brazil. Born out of a resistance to oppression and now internationally practiced, Capoeira’s history reminds us of the power of resistance—a message relevant today. Spirit of Brazil explores Capoeira as a living language and a form of problem-solving. Presented by an international cast, the dynamic acrobatic and athletic movements, history and tradition, and heart-thumping rhythms will leave you inspired!

Marcia Treidler (Artistic Director & Choreographer)

Márcia Treidler "Mestra Cigarra,” originally from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, is ACSF’s founder and artistic director. She is one of the top seven capoeiristas out of more than 50,000 international ABADÁ-Capoeira members and the first female student of Mestre Camisa to be awarded the rank “Mestra,” a title shared with some of the world’s top practitioners. Because Capoeira has been a male-dominated art form for more than 300 years, Mestra Cigarra’s achievements have cleared the path for other women to excel.

Jennifer Walsh (Co-Producer & Lead Company Performer)

Jennifer Walsh, known in the capoeira community as “Instrutora Sereia”, is the top ranked female foreign capoeirista in ABADÁ-Capoeira worldwide. She started her capoeira training in 1994, with ABADÁ-Capoeira’s legendary top ranked female capoeirista “Mestra Márcia Cigarra” in San Francisco, California. In 1994, she joined forces with Márcia and became the Co-Founder and Executive Director of ABADÁ-Capoeira San Francisco. Today she continues to develop ACSF as the organization’s Executive Director.

Anderson Freire (Lead Guest Artist From Brazil)

Anderson Freire "Mestrando Mobília" began training capoeira at the age of seven through a social project that was meant to steer young people away from crime in the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro. His lifetime of experience now includes competing in and judging Capoeira competitions around the world, participating in live performances, theater pieces, television shows, and cultural exhibitions. Mestrando Mobília is world-renown for his vocal talent in addition to his skill as a high-level capoeirista.

Antonio Contreras (Lead Company Artist & Youth Performance Director)

Antonio Contreras “Instrutor Corrente,” originally from Mexico City and educated in art and fashion design, is an accomplished artist and athlete, has been an integral part of the ACSF community since he began training in 2001. He is now one of ACSF’s lead instructors and performers. He has performed hundreds of times with the ACSF company including notable performances in the Spirit of Brazil concert series, and as a featured performer at the San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival. He is both a lead performer and the director of the ACSF youth performance company.

San Francisco International Arts Festival
Phone Number: 415-399-9554 | Email: [email protected]
1471 Guerrero Street, #3 San Francisco, CA 94110



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