September 9, 2022
For immediate

Andrew Wood 415-399-9554 (o) 415-305-1102 (c) [email protected]
Hayden Tran 415-399-9554 (o) 949-299-7609 (c) [email protected]

SFIAF Announces the Return of the FREE
Food, Spoken Word and Music Series,
The Last Supper Party.

Calendar Editors Please Note
Who: Multiple Artists
What: The Last Supper Party
Where: SFIAF Offices, 1222 Sutter Street, San Francisco
Date & Time: Saturday, October 1; Saturday November 5; Saturday December 3, 6:00pm

Duration: 120 minutes 
Tickets: FREE (includes vegetarian buffet and wine)
Box Office and Information: or 415-399-9554

Photos Available on Request

San Francisco, September 9, 2022: The San Francisco International Arts Festival (SFIAF) is pleased to announce the resumption of its popular free admission monthly performance series, The Last Supper Party. The programs run the first Saturday of every month from October 2022 to May 2023.

The Last Supper Party is a spoken word and performance series inspired by Fe Bongolan’s landmark painting of the same name; a 200 sq. ft. canvas that defines the SFIAF Sutter Street office and live arts venue.

The Last Supper Party presents the voices of diverse artists and writers who call out the myriad injustices and impacts of corruption, unchecked power and greed.

SFIAF invites audiences to share ideas and bread and find inspiration in the thoughts and words of artists whose perspectives are drawn from a kaleidoscope of cultures. But who are united by compassion and a common desire to seek justice, equity and truth.

The opening night on Saturday October 1, will feature playwright and performing artist Gamal Chasten from acclaimed east coast ensemble, The Universes; author Jose "Manny" Martinez and poet and songwriter Kimi Sugioka.

The November 5 lineup is Karla Brundage, Natasha Dennerstein and Clyde Leland.

December 3 will conclude with Georgina Marie Guardado, Mia Ruiz and Jorge Molina.

The artists appearing January through May 2023 will be announced later in the year. The Last Supper Party is curated by Alameda Poet Laureate, Kimi Sugioka.

Calendar Editors Please Note
Who: Multiple Artists
What: The Last Supper Party
Where: SFIAF Offices, 1222 Sutter Street, San Francisco
Date & Time: Saturday, October 1; Saturday November 5; Saturday December 3, 6:00pm

Duration: 120 minutes 
Tickets: FREE (includes vegetarian buffet and wine)
Box Office and Information: or 415-399-9554

Photos Available on Request




San Francisco International Arts Festival
Phone Number: 415-399-9554 | Email: [email protected]
1471 Guerrero Street, #3 San Francisco, CA 94110



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