Gisela Tangui & The Voodoo Cabaret


Date(s) & Time(s): Sun, Jun 18, 6:00 PM
Duration: 75 mins with intermission
Location: 2781 24th St, SF, CA, 94110
Venue: BRAVA Cabaret

Ticket Information

Early Bird: $20, Advance: $25, Door: $28

For the best deals, see multiple shows with a discount Festival Pass.

Health Policy
Audience members and participants are encouraged to wear a mask to protect against COVID-19. We ask people who have a temperature or feel unwell to not attend.

If you cannot attend, but would like to support the artist, thank you for making a donation.

Production Credits

Photo Credits: Photograph by: Harrison Chastang of KPOO Radio, San Francisco Makeup and Head Piece by Sarah "Stylisms" Al-Kassab


Artist Information

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Artist Sample Video

Production Details

The Voodoo Cabaret is an ongoing musical performance project driven by the songs and theatrical presence of Gisela Tangui. Her songs reflect a singular relationship to the Orishas/Loas (spirits) of the African diaspora and are written to fulfill her personal spiritual quest as well as entertain, educate and inspire. Gisela uses extensive percussion, rock instrumentation, humor, devotion and her operatic voice to connect and uplift her audience and community.

El Voodoo Cabaret es un proyecto musical en curso impulsado por las canciones y la presencia teatral de Gisela Tangui. Sus canciones reflejan una relación singular con los Orishas/Loas de la diáspora africana y están escritas para cumplir su búsqueda espiritual personal, así como entretener, educar e inspirar. Gisela utiliza amplia percusión, instrumentación rock, humor, devoción y su voz operística para conectar y elevar a su público y comunidad.

Gisela Tangui & The Voodoo Cabaret

Gisela Tangui was born in the capital of the Dominican Republic, raised in Washington Heights, NYC and is rooted in the Bay Area. Gisela took interest in music at a young age studying classical violin throughout her adolescence. After earning a degree in Film at NYU, she moved to San Francisco. In 2002 she formed the first incarnation of the group that is now known for its eclectic and riveting performances, the Voodoo Cabaret.

Artist Biographies

Tim Renner, co-producer
Tim Renner is a multi-instrumentalist from Portland, Oregon, where he played many styles from a young age and was eventually drawn to acoustic bass. He has performed professionally in many dialects of American popular music while maintaining a praxis which is consciously free from the imperatives of commodification. His music is articulate, eclectic and macro/microscopic. Tim now focuses on using drums, bass, guitar, keyboards and a laptop to fuse West African rhythms with popular song craft.

San Francisco International Arts Festival
Phone Number: 415-399-9554 | Email: [email protected]
1471 Guerrero Street, #3 San Francisco, CA 94110



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