Jessica Fertonani Cooke


There is No Land

Date and Time: Saturday June 1, 6:00pm
Duration: Four Hour Performance Installation
Location: Pier 2

Ticket Information

General Admission: FREE


Artist Info

Production Credits
Artist & Performer: Jessica Fertonani Cooke

Artist Website:

‘There is no Land’ is a durational collaborative sonic performance by three sound artists. It will take place under the 3 piers of Fort Mason; each artist on a small boat ‘playing’ the structures beneath the piers with contact mics attached to their hands. In light of the crisis of Democracy we face in the USA, and worldwide the vacuum beneath the piers represent vulnerable structures and inhabitable landscapes that transform into ‘spaces of possibilities’. Symbolic of a womb, the enclosed space and ocean beneath us births this symphony from unlived, hostile and deteriorated territories. .

Jessica Fertonani Cooke (Sound Artist)
Jessica Fertonani Cooke is a Brazilian performance, video and sound artist. She completed her absolvent in fine arts at UDK Berlin and her MFA in San Francisco Art Institute. She discusses notions of ancestral diaspora upon the body, the notion of the ‘Americas’ and its persisting roles inflicting/enduring post-colonial/ industrial society. She has participated of exhibitions such as the Month of Performance Art in L'AKSR, Berlin, Time Wasting Agency in Nürenberg, ACT Festival in Zürich, Transborder in Pro Arts, Oakland and Body + Land =Escape in Nars Foundation, Brooklyn, NY.

San Francisco International Arts Festival
Phone Number: 415-399-9554 | Email: [email protected]
1471 Guerrero Street, #3 San Francisco, CA 94110



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