the long shadow
Date(s) & Time(s): Saturday October 24, 5:10 PM
Duration: 30 minutes without intermission
Location: Black Battery Point
Ticket Information
Advanced: $15
Production Credits
Director: Bhumi Patel

pateldanceworks will present "the long shadow," a project of "divisions the empire has sown." Patel and collaborators look at the questions of resistance and resilience, dominance and dissonance, and the shadows of colonization that we are all part of today. Created in part with support from the DSDT Studio 210 Summer Residency.
pateldanceworkspateldanceworks, founded by Bhumi B Patel and Jordan Wanderer, is a Bay Area-based contemporary movement organization centering marginalized voices at the intersection of embodied research and activism to create queer, intersectional performance from a trauma-informed, social justice-oriented perspective using dance as a pursuit for liberation and decolonization through the cultivation of safe spaces and by practicing listening and availability.
BiographiesBhumi Patel (Director)
Bhumi B Patel is a queer, desi artist/activist who creates intersectionally feminist performances from a trauma informed, social justice-oriented perspective. Patel uses dance as a pursuit for liberation and decolonization. She creates movement outside of white models of dance but wants you to know that some of her best friends are white.