VidyA Reunion Concert
Carnatic Jazz
(2024 U.S. Premiere)
Date(s) & Time(s):
Saturday, May 4, 3:30 PM
Duration: 60 mins w/out intermission
Location: 544 Capp Street, SF, CA, 94110
Venue: Community Music Center
Ticket Information
Early Bird: $20, Advance: $25, Door: $28
For the best deals, see multiple shows with a discount Festival Pass.
If you cannot attend, but would like to support the artist, thank you for making a donation.
Artist Information
Tenor Saxophone: Prasant Radhakrishnan
Bass: David Ewell
Drums: Sameer Gupta
Artist Website Media Accounts
Artist Sample Video
Production Details
VidyA Reunion Concert | Carnatic JazzVidyA naturally expresses the essence of Carnatic music and jazz through a unified trio of tenor saxophone, acoustic bass and drums. Drawing on the deep musical influences and perspectives of Prasant Radhakrishnan (tenor sax), David Ewell (bass) and Sameer Gupta (drums), VidyA has been featured at venues such as SFJazz, de Young Museum, San Jose Jazz and Yoshi’s among others and have released two albums. The VidyA Reunion Concert is a joyful rejoining of these musical brothers to make new music with inspiration just as fresh as when they first started in 2005.
VidyAFounded in 2005 by Prasant Radhakrishnan (tenor sax), David Ewell (bass) and Sameer Gupta (drums), VidyA’s organic combination of Carnatic and jazz quickly gained them a loyal following in the SF Bay area and beyond. VidyA has been featured at venues such as SFJazz, de Young Museum, San Jose Jazz and Yoshi’s, performed internationally, awarded multiple grants and released two albums showing a path for this unique musical blend. Due to relocations in the band, VidyA couldn’t perform as frequently for a while. Now with everyone back in town, they may well pick up where they left off and more.