Amelia Romano


Modern Minds

Date(s) & Time(s): Saturday, May 11, 2:30 PM
Duration: 75 mins with intermission
Location: 2698 Folsom St, SF, CA 94110
Venue: Red Poppy Art House

Ticket Information

Early Bird: $20, Advance: $25, Door: $28

For the best deals, see multiple shows with a discount Festival Pass.

If you cannot attend, but would like to support the artist, thank you for making a donation.

Artist Information

Director, Lever Harp: Amelia Romano
Violin: Basma Edrees
Cello: Stephanie Boivin-Blandino

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Artist Sample Video

Production Details

Modern Minds
The compositions in this program were originally written for the lever harp, the primary instrument of the composers featured on this program. Arranged for lever harp, violin and cello, these works present the lever harp as a cross-genre voice in classic, contemporary, jazz, and folk settings, showcasing its versatility and vibrancy.

Amelia Romano

Amelia Romano (harp, voice) is a concertizing lever harpist, programming classical re-imaginations alongside original works. She received her master’s in classical lever harp performance at San Francisco State University under the tutelage of Karen Gottlieb, retired second harpist of the San Francisco Symphony. Her latest album, “Levers Engaged: Classical Works Re-imaged for Harp '' and sheet music collection “Classical Re-imaginations," present the instrument as a valid voice in classical music. A composer, arranger and trailblazer in the lever harp world, she is equally at home writing Latin America inspired works for solo harp as she is adapting classical pieces for chamber collaborations.

Basma Edrees

Basma Edrees is a violinist based in the San Francisco Bay area. Basma has served as Associate Concertmaster of the Oakland Symphony, and has performed with the SF Ballet Orchestra, SF Opera Orchestra, Santa Rosa Symphony Orchestra, San Jose Opera and San Jose Chamber Orchestra. Trained in the Western Classical Musical tradition and growing up in Egypt surrounded by a rich Arab musical tradition, Basma specializes in both Western and Arab styles of violin playing. A graduate of The Juilliard School and Mannes School of Music in NY, Basma currently serves on the violin faculty at Santa Clara University.




San Francisco International Arts Festival
Phone Number: 415-399-9554 | Email: [email protected]
1471 Guerrero Street, #3 San Francisco, CA 94110



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