Crescent Moon Theater Productions + Metzmecatl: Moon Rope Theatre


Let the Wind Sweep Through,
a Conference of Birds

(2024 World Premiere)

Date(s) & Time(s):
Sat May 11, 8:00 PM; Sun May 12, 6:00 PM
Duration: 75mins w/out intermission
Location: 3316 24th Street, SF, CA, 94110
Venue: Dance Mission Theater

Ticket Information

Early Bird: $20, Advance: $25, Door: $28

For the best deals, see multiple shows with a discount Festival Pass.

If you cannot attend, but would like to support the artist, thank you for making a donation.

Funding Credits: this production was funded in part by a generous grant from the California Arts Council

Artist Information

Writer & Director: Melusina Gomez

Melusina Gomez
Frances Sedayao
Hannah Bourke
Bruce Bierman
Jilverto Melendez
Kaya Mey
Nico Scherm
Bay Laurel O’Connor
Jamshed Esfaani
Sasha Mazo
Annika Sparrow
Kali Harcourt
Hessam Motamedian

Artist Website

Social Media Accounts


Crescent Moon Theatre Productions

Production Details

Let the Wind Sweep Through,
a Conference of Birds
The seven seas are drops of rain.  
The moth seeks to know the flame.
What is the longing that stirs in you?
And what is the most you're willing to do?
Sufism tenets, elucidated in the famous Persian poem written by Attar of Nishapur in 1177 CE, merge with the metaphoric landscape of Underworlds described in Nahualismo, the ancient dreaming tradition of Mexico. Together, we embark on a journey to free heart, mind, and the mystery within us and before us.
With physical theatre, aerial dance, shadow puppetry, music, and poetry, we tell an old story for a new era. 

Metzmecatl: Moon Rope Theatre
Metzmecatl: Moon Rope Theatre was established in 2012.  It is a Bay Area physical theater company that explores artistic representation of dreaming and folklore, engaging the absurd and the vulnerable, in order to address personal, ancestral, and collective themes through performance. The commpany's mission is to bring pathos, humor, abstraction, beauty, tension, and the enchantment of make believe to the stage, in the hopes of helping to add a little more magic, and a little more healing, to our world.

San Francisco International Arts Festival
Phone Number: 415-399-9554 | Email: [email protected]
1471 Guerrero Street, #3 San Francisco, CA 94110



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