Receptions & Parties

Opening Night Welcome

A Moment to Raise a Glass & Say Hello!

Date and Time: Thursday May 23, 10:00pm
Location: Gallery 308, Building A
Ticket Information:  FREE with Opening Night ticket

Every year the Festival applies for work visas for the international artists that we want to introduce to the American public. This enables them to travel to the United States to participate in our program. We use opening night as an occasion to welcome these groups to the Festival. Therefore, we invite everyone attending one or more of our opening night concerts to join us to say hello to our guests, raise a glass and thank them for making the journey to San Francisco to share their creativity and cultural insights with us.

Tango Con*Fusion & Guests

May 25th Milonga Dance Party

Date and Time: Saturday May 25, 10:00pm
Duration:120 mins
Location: Gallery 308
Ticket Information: $20, or FREE with Tango Con*Fusion Ticket

Join the members of Tango Con*Fusion, the Alma del Tango organization with folks from the Redwood Tango Ensemble and special guests as we invoke the spirit of Plaza de Mayo at the center of Buenos Aires to celebrate this important day in Argentinean history with an almost traditional Milonga!


Learn More Tickets

You are Cordially Invited to be our Guest for...

The SFIAF 2019 Critics Night Reception

Date and Time: Thursday May 30, 8:30pm
Duration: 60 mins
Location: Gallery 308
Ticket Information: FREE with May 30 Ticket

The Festival's version of the White House Press Dinner (without the roast)!

Have you ever wanted to be a performing arts writer or critic? Now is your chance to experience the lifestyle at close quarters by joining the intrepid members of the Bay Area press corps as they belly-up to the bar for much needed liquid sustenance and stomach-lining carbohydrates betwixt shows.



The Business is Done, Long Live the Business

SFIAF 2019 Closing Night Reception

Date and Time: Sunday June 2, 8:00pm
Duration: 60 mins
Location: Gallery 308
Ticket Information: FREE with June 2 Ticket

Faced with the prospect of having to move crates of wine and other beverages back into storage on Monday June 3, the Festival invites the public to help lighten the load by raising a celebratory glass or two as we toast the success of the 2019 program and turn an interested eye towards SFIAF 2020.

Did someone mention Argentina?


San Francisco International Arts Festival
Phone Number: 415-399-9554 | Email: [email protected]
1471 Guerrero Street, #3 San Francisco, CA 94110



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